22 October 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways Day 52: Drink H2O (and lots of it)

Drink Plenty of Water.

All around you a $12 Billion/year industry knows what is good for you. Those $12 Billion come from the bottled water sales. That's a lot of High Quality H20.

The human body is over 70% water. The human brain consists of  over 70%, as well. There is no mention of Dr. Pepper being an essential part of keeping the body hydrated. Diet Coke..uh, well...just forget it there ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE. Oh sure, Dr. Pepper ® and Diet Coke ® have water in it, but the sugars and other artificial chemicals completely NEGATE the benefits the water in the soft drink may have.

Some where between 8 to 10 cups of water every day should do you nicely. It should keep you hydrated enough to keep all your bodily systems operating nominally and in a healthy state.

Put that Dr. Pepper® back in the refrigerator case and instead pour yourself a tall cool glass of H20 (water) and enjoy.

Cheers,Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com
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Connor Harley said...

I am now being forced to drink water! I'm on a diet. It's hard, cause I'm not a fan of water.

Dave Guerra said...

Connor, How did it work out? You still doing the water drinking? No matter if you are on a diet or not just keep drinking the water.