05 September 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways Day 5: Start A Conversation With Someone New

We have all seen YouTube videos of people falling off the sidewalk, into fountains, down stairs because their phones have all their attention. We have become a society that would rather interact with strangers on the small screen rather than look someone in the eye and say "Hello!" We are continued to ignore the real world and live in the virtual world.

Of course, everyone is suspect of everyone else. The media and those Lifetime Movies of the Week have certainly changed the way we physically interact with other human beings. If Lifetime had it their way, ALL strangers are out to either steal our money, our spouses, our children or our very own lives. Don't get me started on what the media has done to us.

Put that aside and the next time you are at the Coffee Shop, in line at Target, at the Bookstore, or anywhere that you might be or heck even right now. Look to the first person you see and start a conversation. Who knows you might just end up making a new friend and maybe change the way you feel about the real world by giving up just a little of the virtual world.

Hello, My Name is Dave Guerra. How Are You?

I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you think about any of the postings so far.

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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