17 January 2014

ABCs of 2014: Day 8: Always Be Helping

Today's ABCs of 2014 is: ALWAYS BE HELPING. A for Always, B for Be, and C for Helping (the C is silent).

If you can help then step up and help. Help a co-worker, help a friend, help a family member, or help yourself.

Lending a helping hand, even the littlest thing you can do to help goes a long way. It doesn't matter what exactly it is that you do, what does matter is that you do get out there and help.

Helping shows people that you care and that other people really matter to you. Helping others helps you by expanding your horizons, opening your eyes to that fact that other people have problems just like you, and makes you a better individual because you recognize that others need help and you can help them. That's a very good thing.

A word of advice: You must be prepared to know when to you have reached your limits when the help you are providing is not enough. At some point in your life you will encounter someone who needs more help than they care to admit. Don't think you can handle it all. You can only help so much. If you think you can continue to help you may be hurting more than you are helping.

Don't be afraid to Help but be careful, always!

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

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