13 January 2014

ABCs of 2014: Day 6: Always Be Foraging

Today's ABCs of 2014 is: ALWAYS BE FORAGING. A for Always, B for Be, and C for Foraging (the C is silent).

Never stop having the hunger. Never stop the hunger, the longing, the yearning. No matter what that hunger or yearning is, you cannot stop. Keep searching for the next meal, keep your stockpile of provisions or supplies overflowing. Keep your well full at all times.

I am not just talking about food. I am talking about everything you are working for and doing. By this I mean, if you are in school then keep learning because you can never learn enough. The moment, you stop is the moment you show not only everyone that you know nothing but you show yourself.

Seriously, you can have a Ph.D. and still be the dumbest guy in the room. However, I am hard pressed to find anyone with a Ph.D. who has stopped learning. Why is this? The Ph.D.s that I do know know that to stay at the top of their game they have to keep learning. So why not you? You should always be learning so you can be at the top of your game.

So what, if you don't have a Ph.D.? Just keep learning. Keep having the hunger.

So long as you have the hunger never settle for just getting by and NEVER for one second think you made it. There are so many examples out there of people that thought they made it only to find themselves foraging for food in real life. Do not become one of those people.

Keep Foraging!!!

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

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