27 January 2014

Business Owners: Are your Employees/Contractors doing the job they were hired to do?

Attention Business Owners: When was the last time you asked yourself, "Are my Employees/Contractors doing the job you hired them to do?"

It doesn't surprise me, that even now individuals are just too lazy to do the job they were hired to do. In this economy and era of ensuring customer/client privacy there is NO room for cutting corners.

Two recent events have me asking this question:
First, a civilian Process Server comes to my front door and asks me if I could "give" a letter to my neighbor because the individual can't seem to come around when my neighbor is home. Next, I get a call from a furniture store asking me to get in contact with someone who has not paid their bill.

Uh, neither the individual/organization hired me to do the job they are trying to pass off on me. Actually, I know in the state of Texas civilian process servers get paid to serve subpoenas. The furniture store has people on their payroll that all they do is run collections on delinquent accounts. They are getting paid to do a job yet see absolutely nothing wrong with getting other people to do their work for them.

Seriously, Business Owners, you have to ensure that what your people are doing on your behalf is above board. There can be no cutting corners especially when you (and I say YOU because it is your organization) are releasing private information to third parties without the first party's consent. Trust me, both the Lawyer's Process Server and the FAMSA representative made it clear that there were issues with the people they were trying to in contact. In my book, that is a great big NO-NO!

I bet it is a NO-NO to the organization customer facing branding.

My recommendation to the Business Owners: If the people you hire are NOT willing to do the job they were hired to do then by all means get rid of them. I guarantee there are plenty of people out there willing to do the job the right way.

My recommendation to Employees and Contractors: If you refuse to do the job you were hired to do then do be surprised when you realize that the only thing your bad behavior will get you is a constant and repeated visit to the unemployment line.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

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