04 February 2014

ABCs of 2014: Day 12: Always Be LEADING

Today's ABCs of 2014 is: ALWAYS BE LEADING. A for Always, B for Be, and C for Leading (the C is silent).

Are you LEADING? Are you taking the LEAD in what you do? Are you stepping up to the plate each and every time someone calls for a leader to do so?


Are you just going through the motions? Just faking it? All of us would like to think we are stepping up and taking the leadership bull by the horns. That is a good thing to think and believe.

However, LEADING is an action. You have to be doing it and not just thinking it or believing it. YOU HAVE TO BE LEADING, ALWAYS!

There is no half in or half out with this one. Sure, there are plenty of people that will scam others to believe that they are leaders. If you need a hint as to who those scammers are, think POLITICIANS! OK, maybe 99.999% of all POLITICIANS.

Unless, they have proven themselves as True Leaders in their chosen profession first (Think President Dwight D. Eisenhower, President Theodore Roosevelt, President George Washington) otherwise they are nothing bags of hot air that spew forth nothing but bunkum!

If all the others do is nothing but going around making insincere speeches intended to please local constituents they are NOT leaders. You know, they PROMISE A LOT but deliver VERY LITTLE. Those my friends are NOT LEADERS! They are the opposite of leaders and I do not mean followers.

You are only a True Leader when you step up and PROMISE VERY LITTLE and DELIVER A LOT!!!

Now, get out there and start LEADING! Everyone that matters (and everyone matters) is eagerly awaiting for you to arrive.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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