12 February 2014

Something to Consider On Being A Strong Leader: Never Stop Doing Your Own Thing


The last time I checked, I do not recall asking my Army buddies, my friend from High School if I should write my first book "The Walking Leader" nor do I recall asking any of them if I should write my first fiction book "Doughboy City" and sure there are some, right now, thinking that I should have asked someone. Well I did not. Whether they are good books or not that's on them. I wrote them because it was my thing to do.

Also, I didn't check with them because I was not worried about following their version of the status quo. See kids, if all you do is worry about others and what they will think about you and what you do then you will never move on to doing your own thing.

Think about the last time you colored something with crayons? Was it 5th grade? 4th grade? 3rd grade? Wow. that far back? Now, think about the last time you colored a Giraffe purple? Why did you color it purple? Everyone knows giraffes are orange and brown! You colored the Giraffe purple because you wanted to. However, since then you color them the color everyone expects you to color them; orange and brown.You stopped doing it your way, you stopped doing your own thing because others expected you to stop doing it your way and to do it the way everyone else has done it.

I know, I still remember PEER PRESSURE in school and peer pressure is just like in the song by RUSH goes "Conform or be cast out." Who wants to be a cast-out? No one, so you conform. That's OK. Guess what kids, HIGH SCHOOL IS OVER!

Remember, high school is just a tiny part of your life. Seriously, think about this, in the past 10 years, I have seen my friend from high school a total of 3 times. Each time was for no longer than 5 minutes. That's right in the past 10 years, I have spoken with my best friend from high school a total of no more than 15 minutes. That's a pretty long time to wait for his approval or disapproval as to whether I should do my own thing.

Yeah, who wants to wait that long? GO AHEAD AND DO YOUR OWN THING.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

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