18 February 2014

Something to Consider On Being A Strong Leader: Don't Be Afraid Of Slowing Down


Don't be afraid of slowing down. In a world that we are always connected, always on, there will come a time that you will have to slow down. You cannot continue going 24/7/365. You have to come to a halt every once in a while. When you cannot come to a complete stop, you should at least, slow down.

Slowing down does not mean that there is nothing going on. Nothing happening. It means that in order to be at the top of your game you have to take some down time to recharge your batteries. Think about this; even a Porsche or Ferrari cannot run at top performance 24/7/365, they need to stop to refuel, oil change, a tune up, etc. Obviously, we cannot flat out stop but we can slow down to recharge.It is a must.

Of course, life is still happening but it is not passing you by. Don't worry if you take longer than you anticipated to get back onto the race track so long as you do get back. When you get back because you slowed down, you are running at top level performance.
Thank you,
Dave Guerra

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