16 June 2014

LEADERSHIP: TEMPTATION AND INTEGRITY / A Tuesday Night with Lolly Daskal (06/10/14)

It's that time of the week. That's right, this past Tuesday night and every Tuesday evening from 8PM to 9PM EST, I participate in the #LeadFromWithin tweetchat hosted and led by Lolly Daskal, author of "Thoughts Spoken From the Heart: Over 500 thoughts that bring meaning to your life"

I invite you to join us every Tuesday evening.

On the evening of TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2014 the topic was "LEADERSHIP: TEMPTATION AND INTEGRITY"

Here are Lolly's Questions and My Answers:
Q1. What does the word "integrity" mean to you? #Leadfromwithin
A1. Integrity determines what is right and how we use that to empower ourselves & others by leading by that example #leadfromwithin
COMMENTS: Doing the right thing especially when no one is watching is excellent because people are always watching whether you know it or not.

Q2. How would you identify "Temptation"? #leadfromwithin
A2. That which entices us to do something we don’t normally do. (it doesn’t have to be a bad thing) #leadfromwithin

COMMENTS: Temptation is everywhere. There are things that we don't normally do that others do. If it appeals to us at some level then it should be approached with caution.


Q3. As leaders how do we balance temptation and integrity? #leadfromwithin
A3. We have to weigh the options of the temptation with the skills, knowledge and wisdom we gained in life #leadfromwithin

COMMENTS: Each temptation brings something new to our lives. Think about it, if it wasn't new then it would not be a temptation.


Q4. When is temptation good and when is temptation bad? #leadfromwithin
A4. Let your moral compass guide you to determine what is a good and bad temptation #leadfromwithin

COMMENTS: Only you can tell when temptation is good or bad. Everyone is different and everyone's interpretation of what is good or bad is different. Respect that.

Q5. Our integrity comes from where? #leadfromwithin
A5. Integrity is a culmination of past & current experiences, how we were raised, and what we choose to do with all that #leadfromwithin

COMMENTS: It is that simple. It is our free-will that makes our integrity righteous or not-so righteous. Remember, you and only makes integrity happen.


Q6. What temptations should we not resist? #leadfromwithin
A6. Temptations that we know are good for us, but most importantly good for those that call us leader #leadfromwithin

COMMENTS: Remember, there are some temptations that are good for us. However, we should not be selfish with those temptations. If it is good for the team, then go for it. 


Q7. When can “Integrity” be merely a projection of our ego? #leadfromwithin
A7. When we tell ourselves that the temptation is not a temptation #leadfromwithin

COMMENTS: It is when we tell ourselves and others that we can handle it, knowing fully well that we haven't a clue on how to handle it. That's when ego is in charge and not common sense.


Q8. How do we establish a guide for Temptation? #leadfromwithin
A8. For everyone it will vary. We are all cut from a different cloth and none of us are exactly alike. Respect and all is good #leadfromwithin

COMMENTS: A guide to Temptation is not a cookie cutter. What works for one might not work for someone else.


Q9. How do we harness Temptation to enhance Integrity? #leadfromwithin
A9. We slow down to look at that temptation from all angles and approach with an open mind (avoid hasty decision) #leadfromwithin

COMMENTS: Avoiding the Hasty decision making will lead us down a better path. Sure something might look nice and, at first, may have what appears to be a good outcome but as we all know, looks can be deceiving.

Q10. What wisdom to you have to share – balancing temptation and integrity? #leadfromwithin
A10. Listen to your inner voice. It is usually right. If you don’t want to listen then simply walk away #leadfromwithin

COMMENTS: Trust yourself.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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