11 April 2014

ABCs of 2014: Always Be VERSED

Today's ABCs of 2014 is: ALWAYS BE VERSED.
A for Always, B for Be, and C for Versed (the C is silent).

It is the experienced leader that is always experienced or skilled in; knowledgeable about themselves, their organization, their employees, their own leaders, their peers, their family, their everything.

At some point in your career you will become the expert in the field. You worked hard to get there so stay there.

To Be The Man You Must Be Well Versed!
Sorry folks, there is absolutely no short cut to being a well-versed individual. Try taking the short and you will most certainly pay the price.

Don't lose focus when you are on this long journey. You will get there and when you do the reward will be well worth the effort.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

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