03 March 2014

care / Do you have what it takes?

Do you have what it takes?

Do you care? Do you care about others? or do you only care about yourself? Do you find fault in others that show they care about another human being?

Caring is good! A Great Leader will always care about the people, the mission, and everything that makes both a success. A manager cares about the bottom-line but a true leader will care about everything else including the bottom-line.

Start working on your Caring skills NOW and not after you reached a position of manager. Show the organization now that you care and they will show you one of two things: If they don't care about anything other than the bottom-line they will take advantage of you


they will recognize that you are an asset and you will go far in the company. Usually the latter, is what happens. However, if the former is the case, then it is time to jump ship because with attitudes like that the organization will not be in business for much longer as customers will be moving towards those organizations and individuals that care.

(definition courtesy of Google.com)

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

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