21 March 2014

hon • es • ty / Do you have what it takes?

Do you have what it takes?

Do you consider yourself honest?  Do other people consider you an honest person?  Now, don't think about it just answer: yes or no.

It is that simple.  To be a leader you are expected to be honest.  Being a leader means that your middle name is "honesty".  The people that follow you, follow you because they see you as someone who has integrity, morality, and the ethics that they want in their lives.  By having those qualities they also expect a bit of honesty.  No, they expect a lot of honesty!

Sure there a lot of dishonest people out there and many of them have followers.  However, with those individuals their followers are either being deceived or they actually believe that a dishonest leader is what they want in their lives.

When it comes to being a dishonest leader the lifespan of such an individual is limited.  Limited in the sense that their actions will be discovered by others who were expecting honesty and are being deceived.  Once found out that dishonest leader is no more.

However, an honest leader will live forever.

(definition courtesy of Google.com)

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

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